We believe in transparency and trust

Journey Alerts exists to create seamless journeys for everyone. In order to do that, we need to process a lot of data; data about the transport services you use, the journeys you intend to make and the way you want to travel. We do this so we can create seamless journeys for you - not for everyone else. Through our network of partners (typically transport operators and local transport authorities), we want to serve you with the best possible information to help you get from A to B, and that means we need to understand more than the average journey planner (or we'd treat everybody the same, just like they do!)

We're not interested in collecting your name, email address or even your location; we just need to understand every nuance of the journeys you intend to make. Some of this is obvious - time of travel, destination and mode for example - but some of it is less obvious (and somewhat more complicated). Additional things we may need to understand in order to provide you with the very best journey might be: reasons for travel (e.g. urgent time-sensitive meetings vs relaxed leisure travel); barriers to travel (e.g.anxiety, complex impairments, connectivity, required facilities); preferences (e.g. budget, comfort, environmental impact, calories burned, best customer service, fewest modal changes)... The list goes on, and varies from person to person.

We collect this data through our partners' web sites, mobile apps and messaging services, but we only ever collect the data we need to create the perfect seamless journey for you. Nothing more. We do not sell your data, nor do we ever need to personally identify you with it - we use it to serve you with the best journey we can through your channel of choice, whether that is by text message, through our partner website or through your favourite messaging tool such as Messenger or WhatsApp. And by bringing together data from everyone who interacts with our partners services, we also use it to help the transport operator understand demand for their services in real-time, helping them to provide the best service they can for everyone (an to improve it where they need to).

We will never spam you, or send you irrelevant adverts and messages. We may occasionally try and make your day a bit better - perhaps a free cup of coffee as you wait for a train! - but it is not in our interests to let anybody abuse that trust. We only serve you information relevant to the journeys you make - nothing more. Full Stop.

You can read more about our technology and the data we collect on the privacy policy page (including how we collect it and how you can opt out of it), but in this day and age, we believe it's important to be up-front and transparent in everything we do. Journey Alerts only works if we can earn and keep your trust, so this is the most important thing in everything we do.

Single voice of truth

When you see the Journey Alerts logo, or the Zipabout logo - on websites, in apps, or on any digital channel - you know you can trust the information. It will not be biased towards the operator or a particular route. It will not be hiding alternative options from competitors. It will not vary from channel to channel.

Our standards are important to us, and they are upheld by the companies we work with.


Journey Alerts exists to create seamless journeys for everyone. In order to do that, we need to process a lot of data; data about the transport services you use, the journeys you intend to make and the way you want to travel. We do this so we can create seamless journeys for you - not for everyone else. Through our network of partners (typically transport operators and local transport authorities), we want to serve you with the best possible information to help you get from A to B, and that means we need to understand more than the average journey planner (or we'd treat everybody the same, just like they do!)